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Sarah Triumphs Over Anxiety Spirals

Mental health, Socializing, Success Story

Member: Sarah*, female,  in her mid 20’s

“I realized my anxiety had become disruptive when even my boyfriend could say things that sent me into a spiral of anxiety. I began second guessing so many things in different relationships. I doubted everyone’s truth.” -Sarah

Sarah has been struggling with growing anxiety over the past few years. It started gradually – racing thoughts at night about work deadlines that made sleep difficult. This slowly progressed and she began feeling anxious often throughout the day and felt easily triggered by stressful situations.

Having suffered from a somewhat difficult relationship prior to the one she’s in now, Sarah found herself falling back into repetitive overthinking patterns about irrational fears. Exhausted and overwhelmed, Sarah knew she needed help and started looking into therapy apps for convenience and anonymity. She discovered Meomind’s innovative platform which offered the unique ability to listen to therapy sessions from others struggling with similar issues and combined this with Meomind’s new feature of dedicated coaching to get the support she needed.


Sarah dove headfirst into the Meomind experience – listening to over 45 different therapy session recordings on topics like managing anxiety, building healthy relationships, cognitive behavioral techniques and more.


“Hearing other people share openly about their own struggles and growth was both normalizing and eye-opening for me. It made my issues feel less intimidating.” -Sarah


She also scheduled regular coaching calls with her supportive certified health coach assigned within the app. The coach helped Sarah identify personalized strategies like journaling, mindfulness, and questioning her anxious cognitive distortions.

Through this process of vicarious learning and personalized homework, Sarah gained important self-awareness to her thoughts and behaviors. Meomind was able to provide her with resources to short-circuit those overthinking episodes.

Fast forward 2 months, Sarah feels she has truly stepped into a more confident chapter of her life. Her sleep has improved, she has tools to manage daily stressors effectively, and she has deeper empathy for her own mental health needs.


“I’m responding thoughtfully rather than just reacting anxiously to situations now. I finally feel in control.”


Sarah credits the app’s extensive education through others and thoughtful coaching for getting her to this happier, healthier place.